It's Release Day for A Honeyed Light!

It's finally here! Release day for A HONEYED LIGHT! Y'all, I can't even contain my excitement; my stomach is roiling . I'm just so very happy to share this labor of love with you. Please go ahead and grab a copy from the retailer of your choice, and most importantly, leave reviews! Those reviews really help my book get seen and read by others. In other news, I have a book blitz happening on Enchanted Book Promotions here and one at Dog Eared Publicity here . I also have two giveaways going! One is at the stops along Enchanted (or right here ) and the other is connected to my Headtalker blast that went out at 10 AM EST. Retweet that to get a chance to win! I"m pulling winners this weekend from the #AHoneyedLight hashtag so get on that! Hmm what else? If you've read it, you'll see that there's a neat little setup up at the end for a sequel, and yes, I do have plans for that to come! More on that later. Right now I'm just super exci...