It's Release Day for A Honeyed Light!

It's finally here! Release day for A HONEYED LIGHT!

Y'all, I can't even contain my excitement; my stomach is roiling. I'm just so very happy to share this labor of love with you. Please go ahead and grab a copy from the retailer of your choice, and most importantly, leave reviews! Those reviews really help my book get seen and read by others.

In other news, I have a book blitz happening on Enchanted Book Promotions here and one at Dog Eared Publicity here. I also have two giveaways going! One is at the stops along Enchanted (or right here) and the other is connected to my Headtalker blast that went out at 10 AM EST. Retweet that to get a chance to win! I"m pulling winners this weekend from the #AHoneyedLight hashtag so get on that!

Hmm what else? If you've read it, you'll see that there's a neat little setup up at the end for a sequel, and yes, I do have plans for that to come!  More on that later. Right now I'm just super excited to share Kunal and Oscar's story with you.

Let me know your thoughts and questions in the comments below!


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