Writing Wednesdays: I'm Back Baby!

You know I keep promising to stop disappearing like this, but if there's one thing I know about myself it's that I get distracted super easily. Which is why I'm getting started on something a month early to hold myself accountable. Yeah that's right. We're talking NaNoWriMo time!

I know what you're thinking. What the heck, Freddie? It's only the beginning of October! Uh yeah, and I have three books that should have been finished by this point in the year, so let's just say that deadlines and I aren't always good friends. But I did Nano once before, and finished early. I believe it was due to all the prep I did beforehand. I was ready to go at midnight that Nov 1st, and wrote over 5K that first day, in between sleep.

I'm not saying I am expecting or evening for a repeat of that - circumstances were different then. I wasn't working, so I had 100% of free time to devote to writing. This year I have a job, though it's not hugely demanding, but I'll be visiting a friend when Nano starts. Luckily he too is planning to do Nano so we can carve out some time to just write a bit.

(Side note: I can write off that whole vacation for taxes because it's in Virginia where Harmony is set and I'll be doing some research for the rest of the series!)

But I'm not writing about Harmony for Nano. Maybe I should, but I found a story idea I'd put aside years ago, and realized it was fully outlined with a ton of world-building already done. I just need to flesh out some characters and I can start writing right away. You'll hear more about it soon but I'm excited. I don't write this genre often, so I'm eager to dive in.

I got myself started this weekend by cracking open my writing bullet journal and laying out a checklist for all the prep work I need to do, and will be using it to keep organized throughout the month. I haven't done Nano in seven years so I'm super rusty on it, but I did win back in 2010, and I even finished early. So I'm not leting being out of practice sway me. I mean just look at that prep work!

I haven't even added all the pretty washi tape yet!

I even got my mom interested in doing it. I can't wait to get her all set up. Do you plot like crazy, kinda wing it, or something in between? Let me know in the comments!


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