Shaking things up!
So things are going to be a little different around here. I got a new blog, courtesy of Blogger. I'll be doing all my updates from here from now on. But what about my old blog, you ask? Well I will be clearing out the entries there and using that space for writing samples for you! So why do it this way? Well, the native blog that comes with the service that I use to publish my page, which is what I had been using, doesn't allow for RSS feeds to be made of it. This makes it nearly impossible to embed my blog elsewhere or have people be able to follow it easily. As I was realizing this, I was also trying to figure out how to add a 'second blog' to the site in order to post up some writing samples. I liked the way the native blog looked and wanted the sample to look that way, but it's not possible to add a second native blog. Solution! Get a separate blog that allows for RSS feeds, and use the native one for samples! Ta-dah! I also have more news: as menti...