*dusting off*

Well hey everyone. It's been a while. I missed all of October and September without posting and I apologize. I got very busy and then just fell out of the habit of posting. No more excuses! I'm here now.

Good news: I got a promotion at work! It comes with a pay raise and an office. My duties start after the holidays and it's a big shift from what I'm doing now, but working the the same people, so I'm looking forward to it.

The down side is I have no idea how much time I'm going to have to write. On the plus side, I can close my door and bang out a hour's work of writing at lunch, but I have no idea if I'll have the brain power at that time. We'll just have to see.

Speaking of writing, I'm currently writing for the Villians Inc anthology call at Les Than Three. I wante dto finish in November so that I could spend December and January writing for the Intertwined call, which I want to be considerably longer since it's a collection call as opposed to an antho. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm going to try to get this done ASAP.

And in case I don't get to post again before then, happy holidays, everyone!

Villains, Inc Intertwined


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