Countdown Starts: One Month Until A Honeyed Light!

Today is November 14th, which means we are officially only one month away from A Honeyed Light's release date. I think now's a good time to start freaking out.

I'm calm. I swear I'm calm.*

*This is a lie.

Anyway, I figure now is a good time to start the real promo push! I'd love to get more people to add the book on Goodreads, so here's what we're gonna do. Read on!

If we get the book on 25 shelvesthen I'll post a teaser chapter and will answer some Q&As. I can do either author Q&As or in-character ones, whichever floats your boat. (Some options for author questions here, to give you some ideas)

If we make it to 50 shelvesI'll write up a "Five Things You Don't Know About Harmony" post. The town that the book's set in is straight up haunted, and you only get a taste of it in A Honeyed Light. Wouldn't you like to know more about why Harmony's so strange?

But if we make it to 100 shelves, it will unlock a giveaway, including a digital copy of the book, a honey-scented oil diffuser, and scented candles, plus some surprises!

So let's do this. Go add A Honeyed Light to your Goodreads shelves. Tell your friends to do the same. I really want to launch this giveaway so let's get there together!

And stay tuned. There's more to come soon!


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