New Anthology Available - with ties to A Honeyed Light!

The news just keeps coming! I submitted a story for this anthology call, and it was accepted! Read on to find out more and how you can get a free copy, but only until 5/8!

The anthology is called Gone with the Dead, and it's a horror-romance crossover. I couldn't not try to submit a story set in Harmony, the haunted town from A Honeyed Light. And it go accepted! So now you can grab the antho and read more about Harmony and meet some new people. My story, A Happy Medium, takes place after A Honeyed Light, but before what I'm working on right now. I was so excited when it got accepted!

Not only was it promoted and made available at the RT Booklovers Convention, It's free through the end of the day at Smashwords with this code: GT22B

So grab your copy while it's still free. It goes back up to its standard pricing of $7.99 tomorrow! Sorry I didn't get this news out sooner - I've been sick for over a week, but I'm on the mend, finally.

Anyone went to RT? How was it? I wish I could have gone!


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