Writing Wednesdays: Music Masterpost!

Hey everyone! I'm back again with a new Writing Wednesday post. I was scrolling through my resources tag on Tumblr and found this awesome post. I don't know about you folks, but I often like music in the background when I write, but I can't really listen to something with words or I find myself singing along and getting distracted. I have some instrumental playlists I use for this purpose, but I need more variety. This post is perfect.

I have some favorites among the various genres, but what I listen to depends on what I'm writing, but Classical-type music usually does the trick.

Some of my favorites: 

  • Bach
  • Handel
  • Vivaldi
  • Beethoven
  • Mozart
  • Brahms
  • Chopin
  • Liszt 
  • Rachmaninov 
  • Rimsky-Korsakov
  • Schubert 
  • Tchaikovsky

But these are nothing new to me. What was great was the modern stuff separated by the feel of the song. That's what I need. If I'm writing a fantasy sword fight, I want epic music that suits to help me paint that picture. And that's why this post is so useful. That whole list of video game and movie soundtracks? That's something I might not have thought of beyond say, The Lord of the Rings or The Princes Bride for writing the aforementioned scene.

Who doesn't love this scene?

I'm super grateful to the person who put this masterpost together. What do you use, if anything, for background noise when you write?


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