On web-tinkering and writing!

I feel like I accomplished a lot today. Not only did I get the story I'm hoping to submit to Less Than Three's Lovely, Dark, and Deep anthology completely outlined, I have about 2,000 words written. I need to make sure to write each weekend at minimum and I'll have it done by the deadline. Hopefully I can get a little written every day now it's outlined. I'm pretty excited about this and the following anthology too. In fact, I have plans for Lovely, Dark, and Deep, Villains, Inc., and Intertwined!

After I got my writing done for the day, I tinkered around on my website. Not only did I manage to get my Blogger feed integrated onto my site, I also found a way to connect my blog to Tumblr! So now I don't have to post after the fact and link back to the blog - it does it automagically. Yessss.

Unfortunately, now it's getting late and I have to start winding down for bed so I can go to work in the morning. Ugh. Mornings. Monday mornings. I love my job but I don't love waking up to go to it!

Lastly, though today is technically the last day to discuss After I Win here on Goodreads, I'm tracking the post so if anyone wants to chime in after the fact, I'll still answer your questions.

Oh I lied: one more thing. If you've read After I Win or Won't Back Down, do us a favor and leave a review on Goodreads? Thank you and good night!


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